How to Deter Home Invaders

I’m a firm believer that violence and crime tends to not be random.  For the most part, the victims of these realities are chosen for a reason.  In this blog, I will focus on home invasions and will share a few tips on how to avoid / minimize them altogether through passive means weather you’re home or not!

 1) Display a US Flag
Those who display a US Flag in their yard are statistically more likely to own a firearm and home invaders don’t want a confrontation; certainly not one that could be lethal.  Bonus points:  Put an NRA member sticker in the front window!
2) Get a dog
There’s no better early warning system than a dog.  I recall on countless patrols in Afghanistan, where we had superior technology and could defeat many detection devices and communication systems, but could never fool a dog!
3) Look present
Don’t let your newspapers stack up.  If you have a trusted neighbor, they can pick them up everyday.  Take it a step further (pun intended) by having your neighbor put fresh boot prints in the snow!
4) Lights
Motion activated external lights can be a great deterrent (and early warning system).  When you’re away, putting lights on a timer or having the ability to control lighting with a smart phone works great too.  Go to your closest Home Depot or local hardware store to learn various options.
5) Remote Car Alarm
Most modern cars have this feature.  Does this work from your bedroom?  Test it out because if you awake to what you think is an unwanted stranger in your house in the middle of the night, turn on your car alarm, and likely the intruder will scatter.  This is the same reason I tell people I train with to have their keys in their hands when walking through an empty parking lot at night!  Not home to hear the window break?  Well, home invaders don’t like noise so consider leaving your TV "on" or something by

Stay frosty this holiday season and remember that the best home invasion is the one that doesn’t happen! Just in case, be sure to train from time to time with Turning target systems, Law Enforcement target systems, Reactive targets, etc., and be safe. 

#usflag #NRA #faketv #motionlights #getadog #mansbestfriend #caralarm #homedepot #dogsareearlywarningsystems #

About Triumph Systems: 

Triumph Systems is a shooting target and training systems manufacturer, based out in St. Louis, MO. Founded by former Navy SEAL Jared Ogden in 2015, our mission is to provide cognitive and discretionary training to the citizens of the United States of America and the people of Law Enforcement Agencies. We strive to make everyone responsible user of firearms. All our products are designed, developed, and manufactured by the Americans and for the Americans. We are approved & recommended by the NTOA (National Tactical Officers Association). To learn more about Triumph Systems & our products please feel free to email us at: or call us anytime at 314-882-4324.

Listed below are some of our best products for the holiday season, 

1 comment

  • Tommy

    now your States laws for how to handle home intruders. In some states there is castle doctrine and in some there isn’t – so what you can maybe do legally in Texas or Alabama, might land you in jail in Illinois, Californian, or New York. Food for thought!

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